War in Ukraine has a disproportionately negative impact on children with disabilities


War in Ukraine has a disproportionately negative impact on children with disabilities

Source: AUN News

The Special Rapporteurs stated, “the awful tragedy of war highlights was policy decisions taken in the past that adversely affect children with disabilities.”

When this war was finally over, the independent experts warned that “Ukraine has the difficult challenge of recreating many of its social and economic systems.”

Alerting people

The experts expressed concern about the underfunded services for children with disabilities and the effects of the armed war on vital services in Ukraine and the surrounding area.

They emphasized that thousands of disabled children have been returned to their home countries without ensuring that the environments are safe. They warned that this approach might put the children at risk, primarily through abuse and human trafficking.

In addition, a large number of kids with physical and mental health issues went untreated as a result of the mass returns.

“We are fully aware of the demands of war and the urgency of the difficult decisions that must be made. However, they insisted that this is not a circumstance that can be tolerated indefinitely.

Youngsters who remained

The experts noted that the children who had remained in institutions were suffering from a loss in their health and well-being due to their movement from one facility to another.

Additionally, a lack of knowledge about their whereabouts prevents families from reestablishing contact, which adds to the already well-known issues of neglect, abuse, physical limitations, and access to basicessentialices, like education and healthcare.

The Special Rapporteurs cautioned that cross-institutionalization could not be a strategy for the future.

Recipient countries in third

The experts also expressed alarm over Ukraine’s apparent requirement that third countries receive disabled children instiinstitutionalize, even in States that have successfully ended the practpracticenstitutionalising their population.

They declared that third countries bear a tremendous duty for hto helpinehelpine residents with disabilities, includintheirts youngsters, envision a better future.

Increasing forward

The UN experts expressed optimism that investments will be made to strengthen community support to enable children with disabilities to flourish with their families and in family-like environments rather than institutions when rebuilding and future development for Ukraine are supported.

The experts expressed their sincere hope that Ukraine would dedicate itself to a better future for people with disabilities, particularly youngsters.

“For our part, we are prepared to provide Ukraine our counsel, support, and solidarity in this regard.”

The experts urged Russia to “immediately halt its aggression against Ukraine” and vowed to help Ukraine “create a better future for its persons with disabilities” in theiruding remarks.

Analysis by: Advocacy Unified Network

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