Source: AUN News
Leaving behind the young people who were enrolled in schools as part of the presidential youth employment programme in the field of primary education. As the Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEI) ended on August 31, 2022, Phase III of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) was implemented in the Basic Education Sector.
By Phase III, this project had produced more than 850 000 new work possibilities.
The initiative has accomplished more than just giving young people a chance to obtain practical work experience. Through training opportunities provided by partners, including the University of Johannesburg (UJ), NEMISA, Digify Africa, and 2Enable, the young had various chances to advance their skill sets.
A group of eager and committed young South Africans who have contributed significantly to teaching and learning have been welcomed by schools across the nation.
Education Departments
There are a few incidents of unpaid stipends, but for the most part, all provinces have paid wages for August 2022. Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) are working assiduously to settle these issues. Completing the validation and verification (V&V) processes to ensure that there is no under or excess distribution of funds to schools is causing the delays when the unpaid stipends are detected. The PEDs are collaborating with districts through the V&V process to compare the stated number of grants with the funds already given to schools.
To assure the PEDs that all money given to schools for the payment of stipends is in line with the number of adolescents assigned, schools are required to provide specific papers.
The youth’s journey does not end with completing Phase III of the PYEI-BEEI. The programme has given many people a platform to navigate the employment landscape in search of better opportunities. The youth’s future employment possibilities will be positively impacted by the knowledge and experiences gained.
All kids are encouraged to use the numerous opportunities offered on the SAYouth. Mobi platform by the department. Youth can access chances for employment, education, and entrepreneurship through this platform, which private partners provide.
Analysis by: Advocacy Unified Network