The Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities, and State Enterprises (COSASE) are now reviewing the Auditor General’s report on the national carrier’s activities for the Fiscal Year 2020/2021.
However, the committee’s focus has been on the company’s Chief Executive Officer, Jenifer Bamutaraki, focusing on her academic qualifications after she admitted to not having her undergraduate transcript 24 years after allegedly graduating from Makerere University.
The COSASE inquiry of the national carrier has sparked public interest and received extensive media coverage, with some legislators accused of publicly criticizing the committee’s working procedure.
Public declarations
Tayebwa advised parliamentarians concerned about how the committees are conducting business and believe they violate Article 90 of the Constitution and Rule 208 of the Rules of Procedure to report to the House leadership rather than making public statements.
“If you have a problem with the committee’s conduct, this House has leadership.” I’d want to warn people who are meddling with how we do our work by contacting and threatening the committees. “We will not allow anything to get in the way of our efforts,” Tayebwa stated.
“I implore you, colleagues, to defend the image of our Parliament, and please do not compel us to invoke the Rules of Procedure the next time.” “Colleagues, even in committees, do business in a way that protects Parliament’s image,” he continued.
Hon. John Musila, a Bubulo East County legislator, quoted as accusing COSASE of corruption, rose to apologize after the Deputy Speaker had advised MPs on the need to protect the august House’s image.
Musila notified Parliament that he had featured on an NBS TV vernacular chat show and maintained that his views had been misconstrued on the company’s social media channels when converting his submissions from Luganda to English.
Norway East MP WNorway Niwagaba also advised his colleagues to always check the restrictions of Rule 216 (2) of the Rules of Procedure before disclosing details of evidence and documents presented before Parliamentary Committees.
“I would advise members to avoid talking to the media while the subject is still under investigation,” said Niwagaba, the ney General.
Analysis by: Advocacy Unified Network