Colombia Faces Political Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainable Development

  • News by AUN News correspondent
  • Friday, March 03, 2023
  • AUN News – ISSN: 2949-8090


  • Political instability and corruption are major barriers to sustainable development in Colombia.

  • One of the most critical recommendations is to prioritize political stability by addressing the root causes of violence, conflict, and political unrest.

  • The recommendations outlined in the paper can serve as a roadmap for policymakers to overcome the challenges and leverage opportunities for sustainable development in Colombia.

  • By leveraging the country’s natural resources, particularly oil, coal, and gold, Colombia can promote economic growth and create more sustainable livelihoods for its citizens.

  • In the end, the success of sustainable development goals in Colombia depends on the commitment and action of policymakers, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector.

Political instability and corruption have been the bane of Colombia’s sustainable development efforts for years. Despite the country’s ambitious goals to achieve sustainable development by 2030, political unrest, armed conflict, and violence have hindered progress. Corruption, too, has been a persistent issue, with government officials and business leaders engaging in illicit activities that harm the country’s economic and social well-being.

It’s a daunting task to achieve sustainable development in such a challenging environment. However, the Advocacy Unified Network‘s research paper highlights the need for a favorable political environment to overcome these obstacles. The Colombian government must take bold steps to promote political stability, tackle corruption, and create an enabling environment for sustainable development.

One of the ways to achieve this is by promoting transparency and accountability in government. Corruption thrives in an environment of secrecy and opaqueness. The Colombian government must, therefore, prioritize transparency in its operations, processes, and decision-making to promote public trust and confidence in the government.

Political stability is essential for sustainable development. The Colombian government must work towards resolving political conflicts and promoting peace, which will create a conducive environment for sustainable development initiatives. This will require a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including civil society organizations, the private sector, and the international community.

While political instability and corruption pose significant challenges to in Colombia, there is hope. The government can take bold steps to promote political stability, transparency, and accountability, which will create an enabling environment for sustainable development. Achieving sustainable development in Colombia is not an insurmountable task. With the right policies, strategies, and commitment, Colombia can achieve its sustainable development goals and create a brighter future for its citizens.

Political Instability and Corruption Hinder Sustainable Development Efforts

Political instability and corruption are like a roadblock on the path to sustainable development in Colombia. Despite the country’s ambitious goals to achieve sustainable development by 2030, these two issues continue to hinder progress. Political unrest, armed conflicts, and violence have created a volatile environment, making it challenging to implement sustainable development initiatives. The citizens of Colombia deserve better, and it’s essential to address these challenges to create a better future for them.

Corruption, in particular, is a cancer that has eaten deep into the fabric of the Colombian society. It’s a threat to the country’s economic and social well-being and undermines the government’s efforts towards sustainable development. To make any significant progress towards sustainable development, the government must tackle corruption head-on. The government can create policies that promote transparency and accountability, which will help curb corruption in the public sector.

The Colombian government must promote political stability, which is crucial for sustainable development. The country has been plagued by political unrest for years, and this instability has created a hostile environment that is not conducive to sustainable development. By resolving political conflicts and promoting peace, the government can create a stable and peaceful environment that will help foster sustainable development initiatives.

Political instability and corruption are major barriers to sustainable development in Colombia. However, there is hope. The government can take steps to promote transparency and accountability and create a stable and peaceful environment that will enable sustainable development initiatives. It’s not an easy task, but it’s achievable. Colombia must take bold steps towards sustainable development to create a better future for its citizens.

Economic Inequality and Poverty Create Obstacles

Economic inequality and poverty are two of the most pressing issues facing Colombia today, creating significant obstacles to achieving sustainable development. The country’s high levels of income inequality are alarming, with the richest 10% of the population earning more than 40% of the total income, while the poorest 10% earn less than 1%. This staggering inequality has created a wide wealth gap, limiting opportunities for upward mobility and perpetuating poverty.

This poverty and inequality are particularly prevalent in rural areas, where most of the country’s poor live. They often lack access to basic services such as education, healthcare, and clean water, further limiting their opportunities for economic and social mobility. This inequality also has far-reaching implications, leading to social unrest and political instability, which further hinder progress towards sustainable development.

To address these challenges, the Colombian government must take bold steps to address economic inequality and poverty. . The government must also create policies that promote job creation, especially in rural areas, where unemployment rates are high. This will provide opportunities for upward mobility and help reduce poverty levels.

The government can leverage its natural resources, such as mining and agriculture, to create sustainable economic opportunities for its citizens. This will require responsible and sustainable practices that prioritize the needs of local communities and protect the environment.

Economic inequality and poverty are significant obstacles to sustainable development in Colombia. By creating policies that promote job creation and investing in social programs and infrastructure, Colombia can reduce poverty levels and create opportunities for upward mobility, leading to a brighter and more sustainable future for its citizens.

Opportunities for Sustainable Development

While Colombia faces numerous challenges on its path towards sustainable development, there are also opportunities that can be leveraged to accelerate progress. One of the country’s most significant advantages is its abundance of natural resources, including oil, coal, and gold. These resources can be harnessed to promote economic growth and development, creating job opportunities and revenue streams for the government.

Colombia’s growing middle class is another factor that presents an opportunity for sustainable development. As the country’s economy continues to grow, more people are entering the middle class, creating a significant consumer market. This demographic shift can serve as a driver of economic growth, as increased demand for goods and services will stimulate business activity and create jobs.

The country’s natural beauty and biodiversity are also significant assets that can be leveraged for sustainable tourism. With its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, Colombia has the potential to become a major tourist destination, attracting visitors from around the world and generating revenue for the economy.

To maximize these opportunities, the Colombian government must prioritize sustainable development and implement policies that promote responsible resource extraction, protect the environment, and support the growth of local communities. The government must also invest in infrastructure and education to support economic growth and ensure that all citizens have access to opportunities for upward mobility.

While Colombia faces significant challenges on its path towards sustainable development, there are also significant opportunities that can be leveraged to accelerate progress. By harnessing its natural resources, supporting the growth of its middle class, and prioritizing sustainable development policies, Colombia can create a brighter, more sustainable future for its citizens.

Recommendations for Policymakers

The road to sustainable development in Colombia is not an easy one, but there are steps that policymakers can take to overcome the challenges and leverage opportunities. One of the most critical recommendations is to prioritize political stability by addressing the root causes of violence, conflict, and political unrest. This includes investing in law enforcement and security measures, as well as promoting inclusive governance and democratic institutions that represent all citizens.

Another crucial recommendation is to combat corruption at all levels of government and business, which has been a pervasive issue in Colombia. Policymakers must implement strong anti-corruption measures and hold those who engage in corrupt activities accountable. This will ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and equitably, promoting economic growth and reducing poverty.

Policymakers must prioritize promoting economic equality and reducing poverty, as economic inequality has been a significant obstacle to sustainable development in Colombia. To achieve this, policies such as progressive taxation, social safety nets, and targeted investment in education and healthcare can be implemented to improve access to opportunities for all citizens.

The paper recommends that policymakers increase public participation and engagement in sustainable development efforts. This includes involving civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector in decision-making processes, promoting transparency and accountability, and ensuring that development efforts are inclusive and participatory.


The journey towards sustainable development in Colombia is a complex and challenging one, but it is not impossible. The research findings and recommendations outlined in the paper highlight the critical role that a favorable political environment plays in achieving sustainable development goals.

To overcome the obstacles, policymakers must prioritize political stability, combat corruption, promote economic equality, and increase public participation. These actions can help create a more inclusive and participatory society, where all citizens have access to opportunities and resources necessary for a sustainable future.

By leveraging the country’s natural resources, particularly oil, coal, and gold, Colombia can promote economic growth and create more sustainable livelihoods for its citizens. The growing middle class can also serve as a driver of economic growth and social progress, promoting sustainable development efforts.

In the end, the success of sustainable development goals in Colombia depends on the commitment and action of policymakers, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector. The challenges are significant, but the opportunities are equally significant. With a concerted effort, Colombia can create a sustainable future for all its citizens and become a model for sustainable development in the region.

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