The European Commission’s Call for Proposals: Advancing Peacebuilding in Israel and Palestine


News by AUN News correspondent
Saturday, January 20, 2024
AUN News – ISSN: 2949-8090


  • In response to the enduring Israel-Palestine conflict, the European Commission unveils a visionary call for proposals, emphasizing grassroots involvement and innovative approaches.
  • The initiative, divided into specific objectives, prioritizes civil society collaboration and societal changes, empowering local initiatives as the driving force.
  • With a funding pool of EUR 5,000,000, the call invites NGOs from EU Member States, Israel, and Palestine to actively contribute to advancing a just and sustainable two-state solution.
  • The article delves into the program’s details, shedding light on its potential to reshape the narrative of peacebuilding in the region.


In a bold move towards fostering lasting peace in the tumultuous region of Israel and Palestine, the European Commission (EC) has launched a groundbreaking initiative. This initiative, manifested in the form of a call for proposals, seeks to fortify public and political support for a two-state solution. At its core, the program places a strategic emphasis on cultivating positive engagement through civil society, with a particular focus on addressing specific constituencies and groups.

Objectives and Priority Issues:

Specific Objective 1: Leveraging Civil Society for a Two-State Solution

Expected outcomes:

  • National and transnational cooperation among civil society for a just and negotiated two-state solution.
  • Enhanced advocacy efforts with decision-makers for policy-level support.
  • Facilitation of inter-group and intra-group dialogue supporting a two-state solution.

Types of Actions, indicative list:

  • Initiatives create a measurable impact among decision-makers.
  • Support for participatory civil and political engagement, especially through advocacy and awareness-raising,.

Specific Objective 2: Promoting Societal Changes for Peacebuilding

Expected outcomes:

  • Cultivation of a culture of peace, human rights, tolerance, and trust.
  • Promotion of inter-group and intra-group dialogue fosters trust at national and transnational levels.

Types of Actions, indicative list:

  • Initiatives promoting a culture of peace, mutual understanding, and trust.
  • Actions countering radicalization, violence incitement, and misinformation.

Priority Areas:

  • Preserving and promoting a just and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution.
  • Engaging youth in conflict transformation.
  • Empowering women and girls in conflict prevention and transformation.
  • Engaging less exposed stakeholders committed to the two-state solution.

Sectors or themes:

Peacebuilding and conflict transformation

Funding Information:

  • Overall indicative amount: EUR 5,000,000
  • Specific objective 1/Lot 1: EUR 2,500,000
  • Specific objective 2/Lot 2: EUR 2,500,000

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Lead applicant: non-profit NGOs from EU Member States, Israel, or Palestine.
  • Co-applicants: Israeli or Palestinian entities if the lead applicant is not from the region.
  • Affiliated entities: those having a structural link with applicants.

Empowering Local Initiatives:

Amidst the call for proposals, the spotlight brilliantly illuminates the indispensable role of local initiatives in the grand tapestry of peacebuilding. It’s a call to action for communities on the front lines, where the heartbeat of change resonates in every shared endeavor. This subheading not only underscores the significance of grassroots efforts but plunges into the very essence of how these endeavors can be the catalysts for tangible, transformative change.

In the intricate dance of peacebuilding, local initiatives emerge as the unsung heroes, the architects of a new narrative. They breathe life into the noble ideals of the two-state solution, translating lofty goals into everyday realities. It’s about community leaders stepping forward, passionate individuals weaving connections, and grassroots organizations becoming the bedrock of progress.

Picture vibrant marketplaces where ideas are exchanged as freely as goods and where the pulse of dialogue beats louder than any conflict. In the labyrinth of narrow alleys and communal spaces, local initiatives become the threads weaving together the fabric of a harmonious society. It’s about empowering individuals to take charge and fostering an environment where the collective power of communities becomes the driving force behind lasting change.

The call for proposals, within its grandeur, becomes a call to the local artists, educators, activists, and community leaders to step into the limelight. It’s a recognition that the true agents of transformation often emerge from the very communities they seek to empower. Empowering local initiatives means recognizing the unique strengths and perspectives embedded in the cultural tapestry of the region.

In the pursuit of peace, the subheading “Empowering Local Initiatives” invites us to look beyond diplomatic negotiations and international policies. It beckons us to the doorsteps of homes, communal spaces, and local meeting grounds, where the resilience of individuals and the power of collective action reshape destinies. It’s a celebration of the grassroots, a recognition that sustainable peace is cultivated not only in grand assembly halls but in the hearts and minds of everyday people striving for a better tomorrow.

Innovative Approaches for Lasting Impact:

This section explores the need for innovative strategies and approaches to addressing age-old conflicts. It delves into how the EC’s call for proposals encourages creative solutions and pioneering methods to achieve a sustainable two-state solution.


This call for proposals stands as a testament to the EC’s unwavering commitment to fostering peace in the region. It implicitly acknowledges the indispensable role of civil society in shaping a sustainable and just two-state solution. For organizations, it provides a unique opportunity to actively contribute to the noble cause of peacebuilding in Israel and Palestine. The EC sends a strong message with this significant action—a message of optimism, cooperation, and resolve in the pursuit of a future in the region that is characterized by lasting peace.

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