Tragedy Strikes: Devastating Shipwrecks in Greece Leave Hundreds Feared Dead


Shipwrecks in Greece
  • news by AUN News correspondent
  • Tuesday, June 20, 2023
  • AUN News â€“ ISSN: 2949-8090


  • This news report examines the terrible shipwrecks that have occurred off the coast of Greece and illuminates the underlying anarchy in Libya that has exacerbated this awful scenario.
  • The essay examines wasted chances for stability in Libya during the 2011 civil war, with a focus on the connections between migration, human trafficking, and instability.
  • The establishment of two competing regimes, the debate surrounding the UN’s involvement, and the factors affecting the conflict on the global stage are all covered.
  • The piece also highlights Libya’s enormous potential, its wealth, and its location near Europe.
  • It demands prompt action on the part of the international community to handle the issue and give stability in Libya top priority in order to stop the loss of more lives.


In a tragic twist that shakes the core of our collective conscience, the once tranquil waters of the Mediterranean, just off the captivating coast of Greece, have morphed into a haunting backdrop for a new chapter of sorrow. These shipwrecks in Greece, engulfed in profound despair and heartache, have left us grappling with the devastating aftermath. As we come to terms with this unfathomable tragedy, the true magnitude of the lives lost remains shrouded in uncertainty. The International Organisation for Migration’s chilling revelation resonates deeply: since 2014, close to 30,000 precious souls have perished at sea. Yet, these staggering figures merely scratch the surface of the harrowing reality, leaving us to ponder the immeasurable toll it has taken on humanity.

The Chaos in Libya and its Impact

Our focus must shift from Greece to Libya, a longtime route for migrants seeking a better life in Europe. Libya has been engulfed in upheaval for almost a decade, blurring the lines between people trafficking syndicates, heavily armed militias, and the politicians who were supposed to restore order and peace. This dynamic environment has nurtured disaster.

We’re on the brink of revolution in Libya, recalling 2011’s hopeful wave of uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa. The world watched and listened to the protests against Moammar Gaddafi’s dictatorship. After the war, the global emphasis turned, leaving little time or willingness to consider Libya’s future.

It’s heartbreaking. Libya’s promising future quickly dissolved into uncertainty. Libya was at a crossroads after Gaddafi’s death, with a chance to build a new democracy and prosperity. The Tunisian and Egyptian presidential elections in 2012 gave hope. Libya’s first General Congress of the Nation reflected its people’s democratic aspirations. It replaced the wartime National Transitional Council, an “umbrella” of opposition forces.

In those initial stages, a glimmer of optimism permeated the air as a coalition of newly formed political parties—self-proclaimed champions of democracy—staked their claim. Moderation prevailed over extremism, offering a flicker of promise amidst the tumultuous backdrop. However, as the summer sun bathed the nation in its warmth, an insidious darkness began to seep through the cracks. Sectarian attacks targeting Sufi Muslims sent shockwaves through Libyan society, heralding the impending storm. And then, in a devastating blow, the assassination of the US ambassador in Benghazi sent shockwaves reverberating across the globe. The burning embers of the American consulate became a grim harbinger of the chaos to come.

A Nation Divided: The Struggle for Legitimacy in Libya

Thus, in 2014, another tempest of war engulfed Libya, barely making a ripple on the international radar. The nation splintered into two distinct entities, with Tripoli representing one faction and Tobruk, situated in the east, claiming its own authority. A bitter struggle for legitimacy ensued, with the United Nations backing one side and regional powerhouses such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates rallying behind the other. The lines were drawn, the stakes were high, and Libya became a battleground for power, influence, and control.

Amidst this backdrop of fractured politics, a disconcerting revelation emerged. The UK Guardian was able to obtain leaked emails that revealed the close ties between the UN representative for Libya and the United Arab Emirates, a crucial ally of the Tobruk faction. Neutrality, it seemed, was but an illusion, as the impartiality of the UN’s mediator was called into question. The scandal surrounding “Leongate” prompted the envoy’s resignation, yet the promised investigation remained nothing more than an unfulfilled pledge. Instead of fostering reconciliation and harmony, the UN process inadvertently prolonged the war and entrenched both sides in their uncompromising positions.

Unleashing Chaos and International Controversy

Then, in 2019, the world saw this complicated story’s deadly climax. The Libyan National Army, a potent militia under the command of the divisive Khalifa Haftar, launched a dreadful and indiscriminate onslaught on Tripoli, the capital of the internationally recognised Government of National Accord. The results were disastrous, with increasing civilian casualties and silence in response to cries for restraint. Recognising the seriousness of the situation, European nations hastened to denounce the violence, but French President Emmanuel Macron’s hawkish outlook prompted him to defy the consensus and urge for a more strong stance.

On the other side of the Atlantic, the United States, under President Donald Trump, supported Haftar. This geopolitical chess match that took place on Libyan soil made clear the intricate web of conflicting loyalties and interests that had woven itself into the fabric of the nation. Global powers were very drawn to Libya because of its strategic location, vast oil reserves, and undiscovered mineral wealth. A number of other actors, motivated by both economic and geopolitical factors, competed for influence, including Ankara, Doha, Dubai, Cairo, and Riyadh.

Migrants Caught in Libya’s Chaos and the Tragedy at Sea

One cannot avoid facing the harrowing reality that thousands of migrants are experiencing in the midst of this turbulent whirlwind. Their desperate journeys, punctuated by perilous voyages across the Mediterranean, often find their genesis in the heart of Libya’s chaos and instability. Survivors, braving the treacherous desert terrain and evading the clutches of human trafficking networks, cling to the flickering hope of a better life. However, far too many people succumb to tragedy and fall into the ruthless depths of the sea. And as these shipwrecks in Greece shock our collective conscience, we must confront the indifference that allows such human suffering to persist.

The importance of stability in Libya extends well beyond its national boundaries. The impact of this phenomenon is felt across the Mediterranean region, with its northern inhabitants bearing witness to its lasting effects. The desire for peace and stability is a common sentiment among both Libyans and migrants who brave the dangerous terrain of the country. This is a pressing plea for action that demands the immediate attention of the global community. The shipwrecks in Greece are a tragic indication of a more profound issue. They reflect our inability to tackle the crisis at its core, which is a collective failure.

We are forced to confront the sharp interconnectivity of Libya’s upheaval, the risky travels of migrants, and the insidious hold of human trafficking networks as we struggle with the great pain brought on by the shipwrecks in Greece. It is impossible to exaggerate how urgent the issue is. The international community must respond to the challenge and prioritise the goal of stability in Libya in our collective thinking. We have a moral obligation to guide the world towards a safer, more compassionate place because lives are on the line.

The Split and UN Controversy

Following Gaddafi’s downfall, Libya held democratic elections in 2012, offering a glimmer of hope for a nation that had never before had a chance to voice its opinion. Initially, a coalition of political parties emerged, with moderates prevailing over extremist elements. However, this fragile unity was short-lived.

Sectarian attacks targeting Sufi Muslims and the assassination of the US ambassador in Benghazi marked the beginning of a new chapter of instability. In 2014, a largely unreported war broke out, dividing the nation into two governments: one in Tripoli with UN support and another in Tobruk with regional allies. Leaked emails revealed close ties between the UN envoy and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which marred the United Nations’ attempts at mediation.

Haftar’s Offensive and International Politics

General Khalifa Haftar, a former CIA recruit and Gaddafi supporter, started a violent onslaught against Tripoli in 2019 with backing from the UAE. The quick and indiscriminate attack targeted civilian infrastructure and ignited outrage throughout the world. However, European politics had an impact on the response, leading some leaders, like French President Emmanuel Macron, to adopt a more hawkish stance.

When US President Donald Trump immediately called France and Russia to indicate his desire to prevent disputes with Egypt and the UAE, the role of global powers increased. The rift in Libya was maintained, and the situation was made more difficult by this geopolitical dance.

Libya’s Potential and Global Interests

Amidst the chaos, it is crucial to recognise the immense potential Libya holds. With vast oil reserves, promising mineral resources, and proximity to Europe, the country could be a model of progress and prosperity. However, competing global interests have hindered its development.

Ankara, Doha, Dubai, Cairo, Riyadh, and others understand Libya’s strategic and financial value, each seeking their share of the country’s resources. As a result, the fate of Libya and its people rests in the hands of these international decision-makers, with little regard for the well-being of its population.

Human Trafficking Networks and Perils

Thousands of migrants from war-torn countries like Sudan, Mali, Somalia, Niger, and others still flow via Libya in search of a better life as global forces fight for control. The trek is dangerous, though. Survivors describe perilous desert crossings where many people perish before falling victim to ruthless human trafficking networks. These criminal organisations take advantage of the weak and subject them to unspeakable torture.

The world’s lack of concern is just as tragic as the lives lost at sea. The world community must face the hard reality of this problem and act quickly to remedy it as these shipwrecks turn into a recurrent nightmare.

The Significance of Stability in Libya

The implications of Libya’s instability extend far beyond its borders, particularly for the region and the people in the northern Mediterranean. The lack of a stable government and functioning institutions has created a power vacuum, allowing criminal networks to flourish. This not only endangers the lives of migrants but also poses security threats to neighbouring countries.

Stability in Libya is not a luxury but a necessity. It is a vital step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of those who seek refuge within its borders and those attempting to cross the Mediterranean in search of a better future. The urgency to address this crisis cannot be overstated.


It becomes clear that the interconnectedness of Libya’s upheaval, migration, and human trafficking demands an immediate response as we consider the horrific shipwrecks in Greece. The fact that hundreds of people have died in these catastrophes serves as a clear reminder of the pressing need to give stability in Libya top priority.

The world needs to step up, putting lives and futures at risk ahead of political considerations. Since each day brings more heartache and dashed hopes, the moment for action is now. Together, let’s face this problem head-on while demonstrating empathy, compassion, and a dedication to establishing a more safe and just global community.

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