The sham Senate Judiciary Committee and the corrupt courts


The sham Senate Judiciary Committee and the corrupt courts

  • News by AUN News correspondent
  • Friday, April 14, 2023
  • AUN News – ISSN: 2949-8090


  • ProPublica revealed this week that Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, have been travelling in style with Crow practically yearly for more than 20 years.

  • The billionaire additionally contributed $500,000 to Liberty Central, a right-wing activist organisation led by Ginni Thomas, in 2009.

  • ProPublica revealed this week that Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, have been travelling in style with Crow practically yearly for more than 20 years.

  • The billionaire additionally contributed $500,000 to Liberty Central, a right-wing activist organisation led by Ginni Thomas, in 2009.

  • ProPublica revealed this week that Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, have been travelling in style with Crow practically yearly for more than 20 years.

  • The billionaire additionally contributed $500,000 to Liberty Central, a right-wing activist organisation led by Ginni Thomas, in 2009.

  • ProPublica revealed this week that Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, have been travelling in style with Crow practically yearly for more than 20 years.

  • The billionaire additionally contributed $500,000 to Liberty Central, a right-wing activist organisation led by Ginni Thomas, in 2009.

Title: The Sham Senate Judiciary Committee and the Corrupt Courts


The relationship between Supreme Court Judiciary Committee Clarence Thomas and millionaire Harlan Crow has come under scrutiny, revealing a troubling dynamic that goes beyond friendship. Recent investigations by ProPublica have exposed Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, frequently traveling with Crow for over two decades, as well as financial ties between them. These revelations raise questions about conflicts of interest and potential corruption within the judicial system.

A Troubling Connection

ProPublica’s investigations uncovered undisclosed trips taken by Thomas and his wife with Harlan Crow. Additionally, Crow made a significant contribution of $500,000 to Liberty Central, an organization led by Ginni Thomas. Thomas defended their relationship, referring to Crow and his wife as “dearest friends.” However, these connections with a wealthy individual who donates to politically charged causes raise concerns about impartiality.

Financial Entanglement

Further revelations highlight a financial link between Thomas and Crow. Crow purchased a house in Savannah, Georgia, which was partially owned by Thomas and his family. He invested significant amounts in renovating the property and pays the property taxes, while Thomas and his wife have paid the tax. Crow’s intention to convert the house into a Thomas memorial museum further raises questions about the extent of their relationship and its potential influence.

Conflict of Interest Ignored

Under conflict-of-interest laws, Thomas is obligated to disclose his financial connection to Crow. However, ProPublica’s investigations revealed that he had not fulfilled this requirement, leading to concerns about ethical breaches. The lack of transparency surrounding these financial ties undermines the integrity of the Supreme Court and calls into question the motivations behind Thomas’ decisions.

Corruption in the Courts

The revelation of Thomas’ relationship with Crow adds to a growing perception of corruption within the federal judiciary. Recent events, such as Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s decision to invalidate the FDA’s clearance of the widely used abortion drug mifepristone, raise concerns about the impartiality and adherence to the rule of law. The courts’ growing disdain for scientific expertise and reproductive health rights is alarming.

Inadequate Senate Response

To address corruption and unjust practices in the courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee should play a crucial role in holding judges accountable. Unfortunately, there are doubts about the committee’s effectiveness, particularly under the leadership of Dick Durbin. The committee’s inclination towards conventions and bipartisanship hinders meaningful action to reduce the influence of unjust and corrupt judges.

Feinstein’s Absence and Democratic Dilemma

Dianne Feinstein’s prolonged absence due to health issues further complicates the Senate’s ability to address judicial concerns. Her declining cognitive abilities and potential inability to fulfill her duties hinder the confirmation process for nominated judges. Democrats are divided on how to handle the situation, with some alleging sexism as the reason for raising concerns, while others stress the need to prioritize the country’s interests.

The Underlying Cause: Democratic Leadership Inaction

The issues surrounding Thomas, Kacsmaryk, and senators like Feinstein and Durbin stem from a broader problem—the Democratic leadership’s inaction. Their reluctance to challenge established norms and traditions allows corruption and lawlessness to persist. The comfort of seniority and courtesy among Democratic leaders perpetuates a status quo that enables the likes of Thomas and Kacsmaryk. It is this fecklessness that allows corruption to thrive.


The revelations of Clarence Thomas’ relationship with Harlan Crow and the judicial decisions of judges like Matthew Kacsmaryk highlight the need for accountability and transparency within the courts. The Senate Judiciary Committee must fulfill its role in addressing corruption and considering judicial reforms. Democratic leaders’ resistance to change and their adherence to conventions hinder progress. It is crucial to tackle these underlying causes to restore integrity and fairness to the judicial system.

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