The Biden Administration’s Changing Stance: Shrugging Off Attacks in Russia as Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Takes Shape


Attacks in Russia

  • News by AUN News correspondent
  • Tuesday, June 06, 2023
  • AUN News – ISSN: 2949-8090


  • This news article explores the evolving strategy of the Biden administration in response to Ukraine’s cross-border attacks in Russia amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis.

  • It highlights the shift in perception from caution to nonchalance, with the administration acknowledging these attacks as part of Ukraine’s upcoming counteroffensive.

  • The article discusses the rationale behind Ukraine’s attacks, including testing Russian defences, showcasing military capabilities, and shaping the upcoming counteroffensive.

  • It also delves into the Biden administration’s change in providing lethal support, taking into account Russia’s limitations in the war and the growing understanding of Ukraine’s right to self-defence.

  • The article addresses potential tensions and risks of escalation, as well as the delicate balancing act faced by the Biden administration.


The Biden administration’s strategy towards the ongoing crisis between Russia and Ukraine has undergone a substantial change. At first, there were worries that any Russian-border retribution by Ukraine would elicit a stern response from President Vladimir V. Putin, putting Ukraine, NATO, and the West in peril. However, the administration’s reaction to attacks in Russia has been one of indifference as the counteroffensive by Ukraine approaches.

The Biden administration’s evolving approach

The administration’s diplomatic response to the attacks has been nonchalant, with statements dismissing the possibility of Ukrainian involvement. Senior officials have even acknowledged such attacks as an inevitable consequence of war. This change in perception reflects a departure from the administration’s previous cautionary approach.

A shift in perception: from concerns to nonchalance

Previously, out of concern about an escalation, the United States scrupulously avoided supplying Ukraine with weapons that could be used against Russia. The dispatch of F-16 fighters to Ukraine, however, has been approved by President Biden, indicating a change in course. This shift can be linked to Russia’s inability to significantly outperform Ukraine, which led to the recognition that Russia is probably going to lose the war on a strategic and military level.

Cross-border attacks in Russia

American officials view Ukraine’s recent cross-border attacks in Russia, including drone strikes in Moscow, shelling of towns in the Belgorod region, and incursions using American-made armoured vehicles, as preparatory operations for Ukraine’s upcoming counteroffensive. These attacks serve multiple purposes, such as testing Russian defences and showcasing Ukraine’s military capabilities.

Preliminary operations for Ukraine’s counteroffensive

The attacks are part of a multi-phased approach, with Ukraine aiming to disrupt Russian battle plans, divert troops, and undermine the confidence of Russian forces and citizens. By conducting these cross-border operations, Ukraine is preparing for its impending counteroffensive.

Testing Russian defences

The attacks also serve to test Russian defences and assess their effectiveness. Ukraine’s military commanders can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of Russian forces, enabling them to devise strategies for the counteroffensive.

A flexing of muscles

These attacks across international borders also give Ukraine the chance to show off its military might and convey a strong message to Russia. This demonstrates Ukraine’s capacity to project force beyond its borders and its commitment to defending itself from Russian invasion.

From Tiptoeing to Lethal Support

The cautious stance of the past

Previously, the United States was cautious about providing lethal support to Ukraine due to fears of escalation. The focus was on assisting Ukraine in non-lethal ways and avoiding actions that could provoke a stronger response from Russia.

Avoiding escalation fears

The worry about an escalation stemmed from worries that any significant Ukrainian strikes against Russia might trigger a severe Russian response, including strikes on NATO and the West. The objective was to stop the dispute from escalating into a bigger, more destructive war.

Restricting weaponry to Ukraine

To mitigate escalation risks, the United States limited its support to Ukraine by providing non-lethal aid and defensive weaponry. The aim was to assist Ukraine in its self-defence without crossing the line that could trigger a significant Russian response.

Change of heart: providing lethal support

The Biden administration has changed its position by approving the shipment of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. It shows a growing understanding that the imperative to defend Ukraine’s right to self-defence and stop Russia from winning the fight outweighs any potential risks of providing lethal support.

Ukraine’s acquisition of F-16s

The delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine signifies a significant change in the type of support provided. These advanced aircraft enhance Ukraine’s military capabilities and give them the ability to project force more effectively.

Understanding Strategic and Military Dynamics

Russia’s limitations in the war

Russia’s inability to make significant gains against Ukraine has influenced the Biden administration’s changing stance. As Russia faces limitations in its military campaign, it becomes less threatening to support Ukraine’s self-defence efforts.

Russia as the strategic and military loser

The realisation that Russia is likely to be the strategic and military loser in the conflict has influenced the Biden administration’s perspective. By supporting Ukraine, the administration aims to prevent Russia from achieving its objectives.

The rationale behind Ukraine’s cross-border attacks

Ukraine’s right to self-defence

Ukraine has the legal and military authority to defend itself in a conflict. It would be impractical for Ukraine to engage in combat simply within its borders without putting Russia in danger. The United States insists that it does not encourage or support strikes or attacks inside Russia but prioritises aiding Ukraine in its self-defence and sovereignty.

A legal and military standpoint

Cross-border assaults by Ukraine are justifiable acts of self-defence. Every country has the right to defend itself and use a variety of tactics to save its territory and people.

Fears of miscalculation and unintended consequences

Although Ukraine has the right to self-defence, worries about a possible conflict escalation still exist. Miscalculations or mistakes by pro-Ukrainian forces could unintentionally escalate the situation, prompting a stronger response from the Kremlin and generating tensions among European allies.

Potential tensions and disagreements among European allies

Ukraine’s expansion of the war beyond its borders may lead to tensions and disagreements among European allies. While some countries acknowledge Ukraine’s right to project force as part of self-defence, others may be more cautious and concerned about the potential consequences.

Preventing Russian strikes on NATO countries

The Biden administration’s strategy aims to stop Russia from attacking nations that are members of NATO. The administration aims to discourage Russia from further aggression and safeguard the interests of NATO allies by aiding Ukraine’s self-defence efforts.

Ukraine’s Shaping Operations

Attacks from Ukraine across international borders are used to plan the impending counteroffensive. The objectives of these operations are to thwart Moscow’s battle preparations, remove Russian forces from strategic locations, and erode public and military confidence.

Disrupting Moscow’s battle plans

By launching cross-border attacks, Ukraine aims to disrupt Russian battle plans and create confusion among Russian forces. These attacks force Russia to divert resources and adjust its strategies, providing an advantage to Ukraine.

Pulling Russian troops away from key areas

The attacks also serve the purpose of diverting Russian troops away from critical areas in Ukraine. By drawing Russian forces into responding to cross-border attacks, Ukraine can reduce pressure on its own territory and gain a temporary advantage.

Undermining Russian citizens’ confidence

The cross-border strikes not only target Russian military assets but also try to destroy the confidence of the Russian population. By proving Ukraine’s capabilities to strike within Russian borders, Ukraine intends to sow doubt and raise doubts among the Russian populace, questioning the efficacy of their government’s activities.

Balancing Act: The Biden Administration’s Position

Encouraging self-defence without endorsing strikes on Russia

Striking a balance between aiding Ukraine’s self-defence efforts and keeping the crisis from worsening is a dilemma facing the Biden administration. While urging Ukraine not to attack Russia with U.S.-supplied weapons, the administration understands that President Volodymyr Zelensky and his military leaders have the final say.

President Biden’s stance on Ukrainian strikes

The US does not support or endorse actions against Russia, according to President Biden. The main objective is to support Ukraine’s right to self-defence and sovereignty without going too far and risking a significant Russian response.

Britain’s support for Ukraine’s projection of force

Some countries, such as Britain, acknowledge Ukraine’s right to project force beyond its borders as part of self-defence. This recognition further complicates the balancing act for the Biden administration as it navigates international alliances and potential differences in perspectives.

Legitimising military targets beyond a nation’s borders

The validity of attacking military facilities in Russia is called into doubt by the recognition of Ukraine’s authority to project force beyond its borders. The overall dynamics of the conflict become even more complex as a result of this debate.

Assessing the Escalation Risks

Russia’s response to cross-border attacks

In response to Ukraine’s attacks across its border, Russia has retaliated strongly. However, it has not significantly escalated the conflict or launched any new military campaigns in response.

There has been no major escalation thus far

Despite Russia’s forceful response, the conflict has not witnessed a major escalation. The Biden administration believes that as long as the Ukrainian strikes remain mostly symbolic and do not target critical infrastructure or national assets, Russia is unlikely to escalate the war further.

Critical factors in preventing Russian escalation

Several factors play a crucial role in preventing Russian escalation. First, it’s important to note that Ukraine’s current cross-border operations are purely symbolic. Second, the focus on avoiding targeting critical infrastructure reduces the likelihood of a severe Russian response.

The symbolic nature of the strikes

The latest strikes that crossed borders in Russia were symbolic, which has important ramifications for the ongoing battle. These attacks, carefully planned and executed by Ukrainian forces, are designed to send a message rather than cause an immediate and dramatic escalation. By avoiding actions that would pose an existential threat to Russian forces or infrastructure, Ukraine aims to strike a delicate balance.

This strategy understands that when the attacks are perceived as symbolic gestures rather than a direct attack on their core interests, a measured response from Russia is more likely. Ukraine aims to reduce the possibility of a conflict spiralling out of control and having catastrophic repercussions by picking targets that do not present a serious and immediate threat.

Ukraine has used a calculated strategy to lessen the likelihood of a sudden and dramatic escalation by Russia by making the recent cross-border attacks in Russia symbolic. By avoiding actions that pose an existential threat, Ukraine aims to strike a delicate balance and send a clear message while minimising the risk of a spiralling conflict. These symbolic attacks have a significant impact on the ongoing conflict and preserving regional stability.


The Biden administration’s changing stance regarding Ukraine’s counteroffensive and attacks within Russia reflects a growing recognition of Russia’s strategic and military vulnerabilities. While concerns about escalation persist, the administration appears more focused on supporting Ukraine’s right to self-defence and sovereignty while seeking to prevent a wider conflict. The ongoing cross-border attacks serve as a prelude to Ukraine’s anticipated counteroffensive, aiming to disrupt Russian battle plans, divert troops, and undermine the confidence of Russian forces and citizens. As the conflict evolves, the delicate balance of strategic considerations and potential consequences will continue to shape the Biden administration’s approach.


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