Source: AUN News
According to Abidjan, the soldiers, who the Government of Mali referred to as “mercenaries,” were a part of the logistical support operations for the mission’s around 12,000 members.
The troops were accused of “attempting an attack on State security,” and the legal authorities officially recognized the soldiers’ imprisonment in Mali.
The arrests brought attention to the ongoing tension between the junta, which took over in a coup in August 2020, and the UN, whose forces have been securing the nation from Islamist terrorists since 2013.
Simplified rotation
According to Myriam Disables, a MINUSMA spokesperson, the Malian government and the UN mission have agreed to a shortened rotation process.
According to the plan, Ms. Dessables said the rotations would resume on Monday.
She insisted that “we had stopped” the contingents from contacting us directly.
All requests must now pass through MINUSMA, which must approve them before verbally delivering them to the nation’s Foreign Affairs office.
Blue French helmets depart Mali.
Relations between Mali and the nations that supply troops are still tense.
The final French peacekeepers of the Barkhane anti-jihadist unit left on Monday after serving for nine years.
Concerns about human rights
After a ten-day visit, a UN independent expert on the human rights situation in Mali hailed the country’s efforts to regain constitutional order and civilian government.
Despite the actions being taken, he emphasized the nation’s rapidly deteriorating human rights situation, which has led to severe worries about the rise of extremism.
In the north of the nation, in the center, and the area surrounding the capital, Bamako, he observed a rise in violent extremist group attacks.
“The deterioration of the security situation significantly impacts the protection of human rights and the humanitarian situation in Mali,” the UN expert stated.
There is a “poisonous climate” characterized by suspicion and mistrust, a persistent contraction of public space, a hardening of the Malian transitional government, and a gloom that extends to international allies.
Mr. Tine Tine urged the international community and Malian transitional authorities to swiftly revise the security measures and plans that have failed to safeguard the civilian populace and their human rights adequately.
Analysis by: Advocacy Unified Network