Echoes of the Earthquake: Unveiling the Socioeconomic Impact on Aleppo’s Households and Workers


News by AUN News correspondent
Wednesday, August 18, 2023
AUN News â€“ ISSN: 2949-8090


  • The seismic tremors that shook Aleppo in February 2023 not only shattered buildings but also unraveled the socioeconomic fabric of the city.
  • A recent comprehensive survey has unveiled the staggering impact of the earthquake on households and workers, painting a vivid picture of the challenges faced by the community.
  • Before the disaster, economic vulnerabilities were already pronounced, with 88 percent of households feeling the strain of insufficient income.
  • Post-earthquake, this number soared to over 95 percent, exacerbating financial woes.
  • Income disparities underwent a seismic shift as well.
  • The percentage of households earning less than 200,000 Syrian Pounds monthly skyrocketed from 39.5 percent to 51.7 percent, mirroring the city’s transformed landscape.
  • Adaptive strategies emerged as a lifeline, as families borrowed, juggled multiple jobs, and compromised on basic needs. However, children’s education suffered, with 11 percent engaged in child labor due to income constraints.

Survey reveals profound challenges faced by households and workers following the devastating earthquake.

In the wake of the earthquake that shook the Syrian city of Aleppo in February 2023, a comprehensive survey has shed light on its profound impact on households and workers. The assessment, carried out to gauge the socioeconomic aftermath, highlights the staggering shift in economic dynamics and the adaptive strategies employed by those affected to cope with the aftermath.

Economic Strain Amplified: Pre- and Post-Earthquake Income Realities

Before the earthquake struck, a staggering 88 percent of surveyed households reported feeling that their income was insufficient to meet the cost of living. However, this number surged to over 95 percent after the seismic event, underscoring the exacerbation of economic vulnerabilities.In a seismic shift of circumstances, the earthquake didn’t just shake Aleppo’s foundations; it jolted its socioeconomic landscape to the core. In the calm before the tremors, a resounding 88 percent of households already felt the weight of insufficient income, an insidious specter that shadowed their aspirations. But as the earth convulsed and the city trembled, the ranks of those grappling with economic precarity swelled. The seismic event became a magnifying glass, exposing the cracks in the financial foundations of Aleppo’s households.

Triggering the Ripple Effect: Income Disparities Amplified

The earthquake’s aftershocks weren’t confined to physical structures alone; they rippled through the very fabric of daily life. The percentage of households weathering the storm with a monthly income of less than 200,000 Syrian pound, a meager sum equivalent to USD 20–30, surged significantly. What was once 39.5 percent of households has now ballooned to a sobering 51.7 percent, a profound illustration of the upheaval’s socioeconomic impact. The face of financial struggle had changed; its contours were sharper and its grip tighter. As the dust settled and the city began the arduous task of rebuilding, a stark 64 percent of surveyed households bore the scars of reduced monthly income.

The tremors of the earthquake reverberated with a haunting echo in the wallets of the city’s inhabitants, particularly those residing in lower income brackets. The aftershocks of reduced earning potential plunged these households deeper into the throes of financial instability.In the shadows cast by the catastrophe, Aleppo’s economic landscape underwent a metamorphosis. What was once a struggle had become an acute crisis, a poignant reminder that the socioeconomic impact of disaster transcends mere infrastructure damage. The city’s people were now grappling with more than just the ruins; they were grappling with the harsh reality of financial hardship, brought into stark focus by the tremors that had changed their lives forever.

Adaptive Strategies in Times of Crisis

In the face of an income shortage, households resorted to adaptive strategies, often treading a precarious line between survival and deprivation. Borrowing, taking on multiple jobs, and settling for lower-quality food were among the tactics deployed by families to navigate the new economic landscape.

Children’s education is in jeopardy.

The earthquake’s repercussions also rippled into the realm of education. About 11 percent of families in the sample reported that their children were engaged in child labor. The lack of sufficient income emerged as a major hurdle to their children’s education, with the earthquake-induced income loss exacerbating the situation.

The Employment Landscape Altered: Job Losses and Insecurity

Nearly 28.6 percent of employed individuals experienced job losses or significant work disruptions due to the earthquake. Alarmingly, a majority indicated that they lacked any form of insurance against job loss or injury. This vulnerability underscores the need for mechanisms to safeguard workers’ livelihoods in times of crisis.

Priorities and Pathways to Recovery

Survey respondents ranked finding stable work and a consistent source of income as the most pressing challenge post-earthquake, a sentiment echoed by 75 percent of those surveyed. Ensuring food security emerged as another top priority, followed closely by securing adequate employment to bridge the income gap.Looking ahead, approximately 34 percent of respondents expressed a desire for training in new skills as a stepping stone to job opportunities, while another 34 percent favored funding for small income-generating endeavors. The industrial sector garnered the most interest among those seeking employment opportunities, with 43 percent indicating a preference for it.

Hope Amidst Challenges: Moving Forward with Solutions

While the challenges are immense, the survey provides a roadmap for moving forward. Recommendations include rehabilitating essential social service centers, such as schools and health centers, to cater to the urgent needs of affected families. The creation of mechanisms connecting job seekers with the labor market through on-the-job training programs and wage support is also essential. Furthermore, reviewing regulations and systems related to the minimum wage is advised to align with the evolving socioeconomic realities of Syria.The data, based on a comprehensive survey of 402 households encompassing over 2,000 individuals in Aleppo, serves as a powerful testimony to the resilience of a community grappling with the aftermath of a disaster. As the city rebuilds, these insights will guide efforts to restore livelihoods and empower individuals to overcome adversity, paving the way towards a brighter future.


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