A UN expert urges the Central African militias spreading “fear and insecurity” to lay down their weapons


A UN expert urges the Central African militias spreading "fear and insecurity" to lay down their weapons

Source: AUN News

Yao Agbetse, who keeps track of rights abuses in CAR, stated, “I firmly denounce the stubbornness of the Coalition of Patriots for Change and other armed organizations that continue to sow panic, insecurity, and suffering. Among the civilian population and victims of violations and abuses.”

Grave infringement of human rights

After a ten-day official tour, he voiced shock over the citizens of Bria, the Haute-Kotto prefecture’s capital. She spoke of how easily armed groups may enter and exit neighboring Sudan.

The Front Populaire pour la Renaissance en Centrafrique (FPRC) and the Union for Peace in the Central African Republic (UPCAR) have also committed numerous serious human rights violations in Haute Kotto and Mbomou prefectures, including sexual violence, particularly rape and sexual slavery, primarily against girls between the ages of 11 and 17.

According to Mr. Agbetse, Mahamat Salleh, a prominent FPRC member in Nzako, has been charged with numerous rapes and other grave human rights violations.

‘Unacceptable’ assault

He cited the cruel, coordinated attack on the community of Boyo last December as evidence of “awful” human rights crimes by the CAR national army (FACA) and internal security forces (FSI) and their auxiliary forces.

Russian allies and the FACA allegedly supplied backing to the predominantly Christian anti-Balaka militia, which committed crimes, including beheadings and sexual violence. They drove thousands of inhabitants from their homes.

“The gravity of these facts necessitates proper answers from national authorities to the victims,” Mr. Agbetse stated.

“I propose that the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) establish a more proactive warning system and regular cooperative operations with the FACA to avert disasters like the one in Boyo.”


The UN expert also urged that the Wagner security group’s Russian mercenaries stop impeding coordination and joint operations between FACA, FSI, and UN forces.

He stated, “The Wagner group must not disrupt the investigation of human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law, nor must it prevent the deployment of MINUSCA protection operations.

The UN expert urged outlawed militias to participate in the peace and reconciliation process overseen by the Commission on Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Reconciliation in the best interests of all CAR people.

Logical investigations

After his tour, Mr. Agbetse suggested that Central African authorities thoroughly and methodically look into any human rights claims and humanitarian law violations.

“Concrete actions must be taken after these investigations to guarantee that the victims have access to justice,” he said.

The expert suggested that a restitution fund be formed to ensure victims receive justice.

Additionally, he vehemently advocated for extraordinary judicial sessions to deal with the large number of sexual assault charges connected to the ongoing instability and conflict in the CAR.

Mr. Agbetse affirmed that so-called “amicable settlements” in cases of conflict-related sexual abuse were unfair to victims and ought to end.

Additionally, he pointed out that several testimony and reports suggested a lack of accountability and control throughout the State machinery, including the judiciary, police, and the general civil service.

Additionally, he urged governments to deal with hate speech and violent incitement and urged the international community to step up its support for effective state authority restoration.

The UN Human Rights Council, which has its headquarters in Geneva, appoints independent experts to investigate and provide feedback on a particular nation’s situation or human rights issue. The specialists have honorary status and are not compensated for their services.

Analysis by: Advocacy Unified Network

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